Mount Moriah Church?
You might be wondering, "What's it really like at Mount Moriah?" Simply stated, we're all about Jesus. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. And we don't care how you're dressed or how you voted. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable.
Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone.
What's more, we'd love to get to know you better. Simply click on the 'Contact Us' link below and fill out the short form to connect to the Mount Moriah community. We can't wait to connect with you!
*NOTE: We value your privacy and would never spam you!
Plan an IN-PERSON Visit

Location and Times
30 Church Street
Smithfield, PA 15478
9:30AM – Sunday School (use main entrance...various classrooms, age specific for children and youth. MMC Staff will assist you)
10:45AM – Worship (use main entrance...worshipers meet in sanctuary)
7:00PM – Mid-Week Bible Study (use main offered in sanctuary)
7:00PM – Salt & Light Junior (use main entrance or south side pre-school meets in all-purpose area)
7:00PM – Youth-of-Light (use main entrance or south side pre-school meets in all-purpose area)
8:00PM – Mid-Week ONLINE Bible Study via ZOOM
Where do I park?
If you're a first-time visitor, you'll notice that Mount Moriah has parking available on every side of the building and an extra lot less than a minute walk to the main entrance. Handicapped parking is available directly in front of the church's main entrance and on both the west and south side entrances. Handicapped entrances have ramps and an elevator nearby for easy access to each floor.
What do I do once inside?
Once inside, a MMC Staffer will meet you at the main entrance. The staffer will assist you with seating and point out where the restrooms, nursery and other important areas are located in the facility should you need them. Hopefully, you will get comfortable and enjoy our time together!
What's for children?
Mount Moriah offers get-togethers, classes, camps, conferences, adventure and worship for all ages. A nursery is available for infants thru age two as well as Children's Church during the worship service. We are all about family! For additional information and details, check out the 'Get Involved' link or call us at 724-569-8553.
How do I Dress?
Dress comfortably! Whether that means jeans and t-shirt, business casual, or suit and tie — it's all good, and you'll definitely fit in with the rest of us.
How long will the service last?
Worship starts at 10:45AM and lasts approximately 45 minutes. Sunday School for all ages starts at 9:30AM and also lasts approximately 45 minutes. A nursery is available for infants thru age two as well as Children's Church during the worship service.
Do I have to give money?
No. The ministries, programs, facilities, staff and outreach of the church are supported by the Mount Moriah Church and iCampus (ONLINE) Community. You are our guest and not expected to give money.
Should you want to make a donation, offering containers are located at the sanctuary entrance. You can also give by clicking the "GIVE" link. However, there is absolutely no obligation or expectation that you give money.
Will there be people like me?
Most likely, yes. Mount Moriah is a people of varied ages, backgrounds and life experiences. We are a community of moms, dads, kids, grandparents, single, married, some struggling, some doing well, some fighting illness, others looking for hope or grieving the loss of a loved one, and still others in the midst of celebrating a new job, new baby, or another year of life. The Mount Moriah is many, varied, and will be happy to welcome you!
Will I have to say anything or get singled out in any way?
No, you won't be put on the spot or singled out in anyway. You will most definitely be greeted by a staffer who will be thrilled to meet you and help you find your way around. Our guests are not expected to wear name badges, sing, speak, give money or do anything they're not comfortable doing. As our guest, we're glad you chose Mount Moriah, and it's our mission to make your visit as comfortable and enjoyable for you as possible.
Plan an ONLINE Visit
ONLINE Connection Card
ONLINE Broadcast Times and Channels
SUNDAYS online via Facebook and YouTube
10:45AM – Worship
8:00PM – Adult Bible Study
Simply fill out the 'Connect' card and let us know you would like to speak with the Pastor. Someone from our leadership team will get back to you to schedule an online appointment. We would love to hear from you and meet you, so please do request a meet-and-greet with Pastor Darrell.